Friday, January 11, 2008

Shut down

It does not matter how great you try to think you are, if you don't really believe it. There's no way you can sustainably fake self-respect. You gotta love just absolutely have to figure out a way to accept what you have and appreciate it! Because at every turn of life there's gonna be things happening that will make you want to give it up, that will make you want to scrap the act... and if you do, you're not really left with much to live with.

And don't be sad, even if you want to be. Because it does not matter. You gotta pull yourself together and not feel a thing. Shut down. Just don't let that feeling get into your head... 'cos it doesn't go away. Do something. Do anything.

It does not matter how depressed you are, as long as you are engaged in something "productive".
It may not be satisfying... but atleast it's an ego boost. To cover up your hopelessness otherwise. Atleast it's a distraction from having to think about how miserable you are.

So the next time I feel like feeling bad for myself, I probably won't do it. It's just too draining to feel bad for yourself anyway!
I guesss I'll just pick something up and start working on it.

Maybe it's better than acknowledging what a loser I've been acting like and actually doing something about it... easier, not better. But painless nonetheless.


Renovatio said...

As long as you draw the line between self-confident love, and arrogance.

unforgiven said...

You don't have to 'love' yourself. Just respect yourself enough to draw the line at it's violation.

Always be open to knowing that there 'may' be things wrong with you; do try to fix them, but don't let someone use any of those things (or other things they convince you are wrong with you) to give them an excuse to disrespect you as a person.

unforgiven said...

You don't have to 'love' yourself. Just respect yourself enough to draw the line at it's violation.

Always be open to knowing that there 'may' be things wrong with you; do try to fix them, but don't let someone use any of those things (or other things they convince you are wrong with you) to give them an excuse to disrespect you as a person.

Renovatio said...

A little positive arrogance never hurt ;)

kyamaloom said...

A true post!

Me said...

i try.
(trying to look extremely modest!)

Me said...

ps- be an egotist. love urself silly.think ur the best.
alleviates all ur problems. :)
( tried and tested)

Krit K said...

@Me: Well actually it doesn't.
Ego only prevents you from seeing your problems.
It may work temporarily... but, in the long run, you gotta develop more than an ego.

@Everybody: I don't know what discussion has started here about self-love and arrogance, but all I was trying to say was that, the trick is not to not acknowledge your quirks n defects, the trick is to accept them and not mind them.

And that can only happen when you can truly respect the good and bad in yourself.

Me said...

see... thing is, reality as such only exists in your mind.
ponder that.
love urself n most people around you would do the same. i dont mean to say the all encompassing-god-im-amazing-worship- me kind.:)just enough to know you're worth something no matter what anyone says :)
if u see any flaws within yourself, u can always correct them. its easy enough, wouldn't you say?

ps- this seems to be the longest comment i've ever given anyone.. you lucky thing you!:)

Krit K said...

@Me: hehe.. thanks!
n ya, now u get the idea, though reality does exist in a whole lot of other places too!

Me said...

like apart from ur own mind?
( google eyed look )